Arrowroot Farming Doesn't Require Swampy Soils (Debunking Myths)


Founder member
Green Coin
Kenyan Shillings
Contrary to popular belief, swampy soils are not required for arrowroot farming. The Eddoe variety (photo) thrives in upland, dry conditions without irrigation. Just 2-3 stems can provide a meal.

Arrowroots are a valuable crop for any garden, regardless of soil. This is not a sales pitch, but an encouragement to diversify crops with the low-maintenance Eddoe arrowroot.

I did this in Kwale county at Samburu the results were amazing nilikua nazipatia maji after some time a week or even more zilitoka kubwa kitu a feet these myths should stop farmers try what you like i did ginger, tumeric and nduma ginger didnt do that well for tumeric a 10kg bucket full of it. Chukua mashimo mbili ya 10ft by 2 ft try what you want to plant
I have grown them on dry land but l found out that the ones grown is swampy areas taste better than those grown on dry land through irrigation.